Thursday, October 16, 2014

Week 2 Progress Report- White

Progress report:
I found a question to be able to ask myself for the thesis. I am having a super hard time getting a thesis statement. I have been trying to brainstorm but I have been feeling a little like I have been trying to think about it too much. Also I have looked at the Excel program and have figured out a little bit of the mechanics of it. I honestly have not put my ideas into categories yet though. I found two secondary sources that should be sufficient for my paper. Another thing is that I am almost done with the recordings!! Its exciting to almost be done with that part of my research. I honestly did more writing of notes last week than think of the organization and thesis part.

To Do 10/16/14:
-Write 500- 700 words a week
-Find about 4 more secondary sources
-THINK, THINK, THINK about how to start your thesis statement
-Finish the rest of the recordings (only like 10 left!!!)
-Continue working with excel program and putting recordings into categories
-Make sure not to get distracted by other random sources not related to the specific topic

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