Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Goals and progress check-in, November 11


It feels like now that we have the peer-review process started, paper writing should be a bit smoother from here on out... Or is that just me?
1. Finish peer review by noon tomorrow
2. Write 700 words
3. Reorganize my paper based on the peer review (I know my organization needs revamped already)


This week I have been looking at the peer review and making note of what I could do to improve my own paper. I felt like I need to explain more efficiently and get to the point and explain where it is proper. My rough draft is a mess now, but I have some ideas on better organizing my thoughts.
1. Create an outline of my rough draft and put my arguments in place that actually make sense.
2. Finish Peer review for Wednesday.
3. Write approximately 500 words or more that could be added to next rough draft.


I agree with Allison. I think with the peer-reviews it makes the process a bit smoother. In seeing the flaws of my fellow classmate, I have been able to see my own flawed paper.
1. After getting the review back sit down with it and see where I want to go with my paper
2. Continue to integrate the secondary sources
3. Get my citations and bibliography sorted


I feel like doing the peer reviewed has allowed me to see others mistakes and the mistakes that I know that I have made and have made me see what I need to do for a good paper.
1. Get a solid introduction
2. Make sure that my paragraphs are not all jumbled together
3. Look over paper after it has been reviewed and see where I need to go from there
4. I know that I need to make more "connections" in my paper
5. Make a awesome conclusion


This week I have examined all of my work so far. I have also revised my first draft. I have also been looking at my sources again and organizing my thoughts.
1. Write next draft
2. examine bibliography again
3. organize thoughts more clearly


1. Continue with rough draft
2. Look over Bibliography
3. develop solid conclusion


  1. To be honest, I haven't really done anything with my paper this week. I have been busy trying to finish the other paper I had to do. I have looked at the peer review and have taken notes on what I want to add to my paper, but that is about it.
    1. Finish the draft
    2. Get bibliography sorted

  2. After going through and seeing how much of a mess my rough draft is organization wise, I am focusing on two things this week.
    1) Finish my rough draft for Tuesday.
    2) Re-organize my thoughts for my paper.

  3. This week I have looked over my peer review. I have made a lot of changes and have started the first two pages.
    -Finish the rough draft at full length
