Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Goals and progress check-in, October 28

Last Weeks Goals

Taylor --
- Start on my rough draft this weekend 
- Cite all of my primary and secondary sources
- Finish the excel document for my Dear. Mr. President recordings
- Work on my thesis

Jennifer --
- I want to be able to get the rest of my secondary sources
- I want to start a draft. I need to write. 

Elizabeth --
- write.
- write.
- after getting some writing down, figure out where he holes in my research are and find sources to fill in those holes

Allison --
- Read through and analyze the will
- Write. Write. Write. Get to that 1,200 word rough draft on our timeline. All my efforts will focus on this because I also have another paper due next week as well, so I can't afford to mess around.

Alex -- 
- find some of these books in the library in hard copy
- look for full articles from abstracts I've recovered
- organize secondary sources in terms of helpful evidence
Matthew --
- Have a clear and defined set of secondary sources that are relevant to my paper.
- Start and work on my rough draft.

Madison --
- finish rough draft
- find more secondary sources to incorporate
- review all sources and look over paper and questio
Al --
- I got everything I need for my research. Right now, I need to workout a rough draft and organize my sources.


  1. This week I have examined my research and made adjustments to my question and arguments. I have narrowed down what I will be discussing in my paper as well. I have also found more secondary sources.
    1. finish rough draft
    2. finish bibliography
    3. polish research

  2. goals:
    - finish rough draft (right now)
    - begin refining for first draft
    - not much else--this weekend is insane.

  3. I have started writing my rough draft and have started inserting some of my sources to strengthen my arguments.

    - iron out my rough draft (it is kind of clunky still)
    - start elaborating on the main points in the paper

  4. I was able to find what I think will be all of my secondary sources. I have also written a quite rough first draft.
    ~I want to get my thoughts together more so that my paper will come together more
    ~I want to make sure I don't let myself get distracted from the paper

  5. I have started writing, I am working on the exact direction I want to go with my evidence. I have found most of the sources I will be using, the rest will come as I discover I need more evidence.
    - continue writing
    -work on my weak introduction
    -look at better ways to transition from paragraph to paragraph
