- The document needs to be in MS Word or Pages format; the title should be "[last name] HIST 201 draft 1 for review". Please submit (as an attachment) it via email to Dr. Hofmann with the subject "HIST 201 First Draft"
- The draft must include an/the introduction to your paper that sets up the topic and states your general thesis.
- After the Introduction, the rest of the paper should indicate where you are going and what your evidence is. You can do this by writing a shortened version of the paper, or by writing a detailed outline of the rest of the paper. A detailed outline should have, e.g., from 2-3 sentences to a couple of paragraphs that show an argument and specific evidence you plan to use.
- Please append your bibliography to the draft
November 5 ("Remember, Remember") -- Peer-review of drafts due back to Dr. Hofmann by noon.
- Rubric will be available on blackboard, and should be appended to the reviewed draft.
- Change the name of the file by substituting the words "for review" to "rev [reviewer last name]" (leave the rest of the original file name as written. In other words, the file should be saved as "[author last name] HIST 201 draft 1 rev [reviewer last name]"
- In Word or Pages, select the reviewing functions and make sure that they are set to allow you to use comment bubbles and track changes.
- Comment and make suggestions and corrections according to the rubric
- Submit the document via email attachment to Dr. Hofmann with the subject "HIST 201 peer-reviewed draft 1"
November 6 -- drafts returned to students with peer and Dr. Hofmann comments
November 18 -- Complete draft due for turnaround to peer reviewers.
- This should be a fairly polished draft, and have no spelling, grammar, or typographic errors. Please use the final paper rubric for guidance.
- Please title the draft "[last name] HIST 201 Rough Draft for review" and submit by email attachment with the subject "HIST 201 Rough Draft for review"
November 20 -- Peer reviews due to Dr. Hofmann by beginning of class
- Please change title of document as before, i.e., by substituting "rev [reviewer last name]" for "for review"
- As before, use the reviewing functions to review the document. Highlight actual typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors. You DO NOT need to correct typos or spelling errors -- just highlight them. For grammatical errors, highlight and indicate what's wrong, e.g., "wrong preposition," or "should be a semi-colon." You may also comment on how to correct or revise. Make sure to do this for citation text as well.
- For all other problems (look in the rubric for guidelines, but in general, things like awkward/unclear sentences/passages; lack of thesis; missing (or apparently missing) citations, etc.) add comments with explanations and/or suggestions for revision
- Fill out the rubric (on blackboard). On the tables, you can indicate the level of the paper by adding an X somewhere on or below the spectrum line, or highlight the text that most closely describes the paper in that category. Append it to the end of the paper (start a new section)
- Submit it as an email attachment with the subject "HIST 201 Peer-Reviewed Rough Draft"
November 21 (evening) -- Reviewed drafts with additional comments by Dr. Hofmann returned to students
November 25 -- Last possible date to ask Dr. Hofmann for advice on revisions. Requests due no later than 5 p.m.
December 2 -- Final PRINTED, HARD COPY draft due to Dr. Hofmann before class (slight change, as I realized that there was no reason for a Monday due date). Please use the rubric check list to make sure you have hit all of the basic requirements. Papers that do not meet those requirements will be returned and the grade will immediately be reduced by five points, with an additional five points taken off if the corrections are not made by noon Wednesday, and a further five points (total of 15 points!) if the paper is not returned before class on December 4. No one can afford to lose these points, so please proofread.